Always a Catch

I’m almost done with this GDEMU batch but if you got that ~3 weeks estimate and haven’t seen the PayPal request yet then I have some bad news: expect a week, perhaps two of delay. Something came up and I was unable to work during the weekends, which means there is a bunch of GDEMUs that haven’t been finished yet.

It also means I couldn’t start working on Rheas either – that too got pushed back by about 2 weeks from now. This is more or less when I’ll start taking orders for those. In itself it wouldn’t be too bad but by now I know better than to plan anything for December, especially shipping stuff. Trust me, you don’t want that.

Another batch of GDEMU PCBs is already on it’s way here but those are probably not going to be ready before January 2017 – I have to be realistic, there’s only so much time in a day.

Get Lucky

GDEMU orders are open. Again, the idea is to have smaller batches but more frequently. This completly failed the last time thanks to Google and I ended up doing nothing else but GDEMUs for 3 months. I’m not keen on repeating that. So I might have to close in just few hours but if you miss your opportunity this time, there will be another batch.

I’d like to remind you of the recent price increase, the one device per customer rule, and to be patient about your order confirmation – that might take a few days. Make double sure the email addresses you give me are correct.

EDIT: Closed. One hour is all it took. While I realize not everybody got lucky please keep in mind I do try to vary the days and hours I open orders to give people living in differnt time zones a chance.