New Memories

Happy New Year 2020, everybody! GDEMU shipments will soon commence. I’m running some final tests on a new bootloader code that will support 128×64 OLED display based on SSD1306 chip:

Getting that new code, and font definition, to fit in the already very memory starved MCU was no easy task. In fact it took me so much time that I’m not yet ready with the new FW for GDEMU – that will come in a month or two. This new FW will also have OLED support and will require the new booloader to work – though in general GDEMU will be somewhat limited in what it can show and when. Updating the display takes time and drive emulation takes priority, obviously. Note, I’m using a display with split-color screen but that’s not a requirement (looks nicer though).

Since I want every existing GDEMU owner to be able to use the new FW (and I mean all of them, including the early v4/v5 units on green PCBs) I will also prepare an “upgrade FW” that can update the bootloader code in older units.

Every device sold from 2020 onward will already have the new bootloader. The devices I’m about to ship will come with a hybrid FW that works with it, but doesn’t yet have the improvements. Do not attempt to flash them with any older version, that won’t work and you’ll be stuck with a non-functional device until I have the new FW ready.

Will other devices also receive OLED support? Yes, in due time, since that also requires some code changes and testing. And if you don’t care for the display, no problem, you don’t need it, the ODE will work without it.

I’ll update GDEMU page with some more info on what OLED screen to get and how to connect it soon. Keep in mind that some soldering will be required.

55 thoughts on “New Memories

  1. This is pretty sweet. Very cool to see the new ones are getting a new FW update. Just wanted to understand here with regards to the Mini led display, that display is it optional for anyone to install it? Because it does look cool to see it function in real time.

    • You can have 4 LEDs or the OLED display, not both. I’m still on the fence which one should be enabled by default.

      • I think OLED is nice as you can read what’s going on. The LED however is also fine but you have to keep track of the LED blinking to tell the difference when it is hooked, when it’s installing, complete installation and so on.

  2. Ok thanks you for your works. Im waiting like a kid for new gdemu ordering because 3 time i missing it
    Happy new year

    • Same here man! Ahhhh I was so sad to find out I missed the order window!

  3. Fantastic news can’t wait to try in every ode I have from you! (Gdemu Phoebe rhea and docbrown!)

    Thank you for your continuous improvements!

  4. Interesting idea.
    Though I wonder what yo’ull be abel to display? The game name?
    Remaining space ? Number of games?

    And eventually where will be this screen on the Dremcast? On the lid?

    • Delaying disk switch while scrolling through a menu, perhaps?

  5. Thanks for the update. Hope you had a good New Year celebration. If I may suggest I would place the LCD on the Dreamcast lid somehow. Will your new FW update address the Skies of Arcadia issue or will that be shelved for later?

  6. Hey man, sent you a couple of emails going back to around october but haven’t heard back.

  7. Nice! Things just keep getting better!

    Happy New Year!

  8. Any rough estimate as to when there will be a new batch of GDEMU? I missed the last opening and feel so bummed about it. Anywho, happy new year!

  9. Nice. But, I will stick to how I have mine set up and the way it is now. It runs perfect Deunan. If it ain’t broke, I’m not fixing it. Happy New Year.

  10. Looking forward to getting that invoice, or have they been sent out already?

    Anyhow, I like this idea. Have you decided on what you’ll have displayed on the OLED besides FW updates?

    Happy New Year! 🙂

    • I haven’t seen the invoice come through yet, so hoping I did not miss it as well!

  11. You know what would be nice to have? If you could integrate the display into the board, I think that would be more professional looking.

  12. Thank you for adding OLED support for older boards. Looks interesting!

  13. Just got my GDEMU invoice. Pretty excited, now just gotta hope the Phoebe is getting another batch soon.

    • Only the email stating you’ve been added to the list. AFAIK.

      Not worried though, @gdemu is still doing this manually so we just have to be patient. 🙂

    • I received one on the 3rd. If you’re on the list, be patient and you’ll get a payment request.

      • Good to hear these are still going out. Still waiting on mine, but I think I may be in the later portion so hopefully will get it soon!

      • Just a quick update for me. Invoice received today, the 7th.

        If you’re on the list, as stated before, just be patient. 🙂

  14. Happy New Year to everyone!. I would like to ask if orders should be followed in a list in order of preference. If you know approximately when they have stock again. I’ve been following this product for a long time, and I really want the officer, no clones. In this way we support its creator for his work that he has done, you have this GDrom emulator. Thank you very much, I hope someone can help me ^ _ ^

  15. I guess this could be mounted into a 3d printed trey just next to one of those SD card extensions

  16. Hi dude
    Thanks for all your hard work!

    Mistakenly I blow up the “ep2c5t144c8n” chip
    can I just replace it or it’s programmed with some codes?

    Thanks in advance

    • How? Did you put it into VA0 console?
      It should be possible to replace that chip unless you have some secondary damage.

      • Nope, a piece of metal has touched the pins while it’s working and I got a short on 3.3v, when chip is removed the short disappears

        Thank you very much!

  17. Hello – could not find a way to contact you, do you know when you might be accepting more orders?

    Thank You!

  18. Hi Deunan, it’s been a while.
    Very nice upgrade. i think I’ll finally update my stuff !
    See ya !

  19. Little off topic.
    I think I’ve got some sort of soft brick on one of my DCs.
    I was going to change region through “region changer on dreamshell (shorting 2 points on the motherboard).
    The first time it worked fine, after changing again the region every time I pressed “read” on region changer did not see any region (Al red X on the screen). After a while I’ve tried to reboot and now keeps me asking to set the time over and over, sometimes it boots on the dash but then if I try to load a game o gdmenu it goes again in the time setting screen.
    Any suggestion?

    Thank you in advance

    • I’ve seen similar behaviour with Makaron when the flash was corrupted. If you can’t boot homebrew now, to try and restore the flash, you might need to desolder the chip and do it in external programmer. Or just consider the mobo busted and get another one.

      • In this motherboard I have both regular and dev bios but unfortunately it didn’t help.
        Do you have any suggestion about which programmer is compatible for this task? I think that probably I’ll have to consider this motherboard as replacement parts if the I won’t be able to find someone with a suitable programmer or they are too expensive for this task.

        Thank you very much for your help.

  20. 2nd BIOS won’t help. DC has two chips, BIOS (ROM) and Flash with settings/date/some game stuff. For example login data (user/pass) for net access is stored there too. Also, region data 🙂
    Anyway, if you don’t have a programmer there is no point in getting one. Buy another mobo. If this one is somehow special (say, overclocked via resonator change) and you really want to keep it, you can try swapping the flash chips between mobos rather then the whole mobo. But the easiest way is just to to replace the whole PCB.

    • I got some programmes that I usually use to flash ROM and gals on older arcade PCBs (I think the most recent system where I used my programmer is to flash the bios on the Naomi 2) so I think I’ll follow your suggestion and look for a cheap motherboard/console and perform again all the mods.

      Thank you for your time and suggestions 🙂

  21. Anyone have a recommendation for a 500gb+ SD card for the GDEMU? I know it’s not officially supported, but I’ve read of success based off other forums.

  22. Didn’t want to bother you through email but I was wondering ifbyou were still working through invoices?

    Hadn’t gotten mine yet but thought I would ask if I should still just be sitting tight.


  23. Hi there!

    So I got my invoice and paid, so now just wondering how we receive notification of shipment & any tracking information?


    • You’ll get a email from PayPal with a Polish tracking number, shipped via Poczta Polska. Should be titled “More details on your shipment”. From experience, it takes about 3-4 weeks for delivery from my location in California.

      Obviously it will vary based on location.

  24. I’m very impressed n’y this new FW.
    Here my sincerly congratulations 🙂

    This new FW will be able to avoid the skies of arcadia intro and resident evil code Veronica tiger enigma issue ?

  25. Is it possible to make Gdemu works in slave mode, like IDE mod? I would like to use it simultaneously with GD-Rom.

    • No, Dreamcast will not work that way. GDEMU (like the original drive) must be the master.
      The problem is current GDEMU FPGA code doesn’t properly ignore commands sent to the slave so having HDD on the same cable is not possible. Well, not yet anyway, I do intend to fix this someday.

  26. Missed the time frame to order again.
    Really want to not miss the next ordering opportunity for a GDEMU.
    How can I be informed when the next opportunity happens?

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