Never Miss a Beat

First of all there is a small update in the Links section, a guide to making a simple but effective tray for Rhea has been added. That tray goes under Rhea and prevents dropped SD cards from going deep into Saturn internals, so quite handy.

Now as for promised preorders, I’m about to open them now but as I explained I might have to close soon after if I’m swamped with emails. But fear not, this should actually prevent situations like before where you had to wait more than a month for your unit. I know many of you won’t like this on/off thing but I have to manage the production somehow and the last two ideas for that were not so good after all.

Unfortunately I’m very busy again but I’m planning to test something this weekend, hopefully it’ll work and I’ll have something new to show in few days.

EDIT: Apparently even after all this time it’s still unclear so: DO NOT SEND ME ANY MONEY IN ADVANCE! You will be asked to pay via PayPal once your order is ready to be shipped, it’s all explained on the ordering pages.

If you send anything via PayPal to the gmail address I will not be able to claim it (or refuse it) and it will just sit there for 30 days before PayPal returns it to you. And there’s nothing I can do to speed it up. For security reasons this email is not and will not be ever tied to a PayPal account.

28 thoughts on “Never Miss a Beat

    • Seems to be as he has added his email to the order pages. I’ve put an order in for a Rhea, anyway.

  1. Hello Deunan “Gdemu”
    Please check your paypal i have send my payment
    I m Jean-Michel
    I wait your answer
    Best Regards

    • Did you even read the ordering page? If you sent the money to the address on ordering page I will not get it, nor will be able to get it. You’ll have to wait 30 day before PayPal automatically returns it to you. There is no way for me to speed it up.

      • hello
        sorry for have send so quickly with paypal 😀 now is ok 😉
        i have send you email for my preorder gdemu
        i wait your email and information when my order is ok for send you money 😉
        thank you for your work

  2. So excited about this. Sent 1 email for each product within a few minutes of the orders being re-opened. Anxiously awaiting confirmation and follow up instructions.

  3. Oh darn, I was hoping that tray guide was a link to a 3D model for printing. With 3D printing being so accessible these days, having a nice printed plastic insert would be great for things like this.

  4. Yeah – I would also like to see a 3d Printer file for it. I dont have a 3d printer but id like to get one printed by someone when i get my Rhea.

    Ive already taken that first step. Im now the proud owner of a Model 1 20 pin Saturn with a broken drive. Its minty too. Ive had a model 2 since it was new but its 21 pin.

    Now i just need to save up for a Rhea. Ill probably miss this preorder too.

  5. I am so mad at myself for not checking email sooner. I was able to get my Rhea ordered but apparently too late for GDEMU. I guess I can always try the hard drive option with my spare DC instead. DANG IT!

  6. Hello here
    I wonder what will be the new thing…
    Keep on the good work Deunan !

  7. Did anyboy get some kind of confirmation? I tried to order both in 1 mail, so I am a little bit worry if everything is ok. Really excited.

    • Yeah, I’m in the same boat and tried to order both at the same time. I also forgot to put in my paypal email address in the request. 😦 Gah, fourth time is the charm.

      • Oh No’s! Did you have to put your paypal address in with your request? I am used to just sending “to” an address when a seller is ready and asks for payment. I don’t see anything in the ordering info that says specifically to provide a paypal address up front (maybe it is assumed?).

        Well, I did put in my request within the window of opportunity (yesterday). Maybe I’ll be lucky 🙂

  8. Damn I thought I’d been checking this pretty regularly but the preorders seem to be open for just a second! Lol, guess I’ll be waiting for them to open again :/

  9. Well, bad timing… Week-end with a date or a chance to preorder…
    I made the bad choice!!!! Though it had nice moments i’d rather have a sexy retro opportunity 😉

  10. Hi Deunan.
    The window for order request was very short.
    Unfortunately i *again* missed this order batch… Too bad as i was very excited about the idea of reviewing this device. Let me know if you plan to reopen orders one day.
    Have fun !

  11. Shoot, I missed the ordering window again. Is there a possibility of a wait list, or any idea on when the next order window will be? Kind regards.

  12. Hi Deunan,I’m razorbacktrack @ gmail . com
    I bought a new Saturn and probably it is a Va1+ one . Am I still in the list?

  13. How does one know if one is on the waiting list for the gdemu ? I have not received any email to the moment

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